Into it again yesterday, the A/C kit arrived on Wednesday, so after getting a service for a friend out of the way, it was back to the truck.
I fitted the tail lights and took the truck into town, pressure cleaned chassis and engine bay, i only hope i haven't induced leaks by removing the hard crud from engine.
Then after much thought I got stuck into the checker plate.
After measuring tray and checker plate, I figured out what I thought was best way to go.
I have also managed to knock a few degrees out of the banana bend in tray (as I was worried a lower car may not make the bend)
Turns out inside of tray is 2390 and a sheet is 2400.
So out came the plasma cutter.
Damn these sheets are heavy suckers, so glad I have the forklift.
The gap is 1090, so need to cut a sheet down.
In this pic, you can see the angle of banana, can also see when looking at side frame how much angle I took out.
This is with ramps to the ground, I will most likely be loading via the trailer for lower cars, but that ramp angle is the same as banana bend.