I didn't get much done today. I put the engine/trans and rear suspension back in. I'm using the C4 Vette torque arm. It bolts to the diff. In my case I'm shortening it so that it will bolt to the trans cross member and trans tunnel support. The mount will be adjustable so that I can adjust the pinion angle.
I wasn't feeling well so I went home to rest. I didn't get the mount made. Hopefully tomorrow, and more.
The driveshaft will be 8.5 inches long. The headers I'm using are for an IMCA modified. $100 on Ebay. I'm building this on the cheap.
My build is inspired by the Cheetah. But, it's obviously not a replica. I don't want to disrespect the original car so I'm thinking of calling my car a LYNX or BOBCAT. They are small cats with bobbed tails. Just thinking.