Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
We'd always thought of MA as "Taxachusetts" but when we moved there we found that the total tax bill was pretty tolerable. The MA income tax is fixed percentage of federal but real estate taxes were out of the field. This is because cities (and schools) are on their own. In the other states we've lived (IA, AZ, CO) the schools and cities get an infusion of funds from state collected taxes. So the total taxes were on par. It helps some smaller cities/towns with low tax bases but then the flip side is that people feel they are subsidizing others. I think the latter is fairer having seen what the schools were like in some of the very small MA towns.
I grew up in Mass, our last home there, is similar in size to our current CT home. My real estate tax bill was around $4000 a year. Here in CT it's almost $20,000. And we get less services for that tax money
state income tax is higher, sales tax is higher, personal property tax (excise) tax is higher.
Our children have 4.5 years left in school, we'll likely move right after