Originally Posted by 1795
Dan and Jon,
Thanks for the information and your thoughts. i had heard that the top loader was more robust than the T10, and that if you found a T10 that was rebuildable it would be very expensive, but wanted to hear the opinions of others as well.
You are welcome.
Original privateer Cobras that were raced hard suffered failures frequently. Aluminum tail shaft cases are somewhat fragile and even street and strip use of a street car could lead to breakage. The torque rating of a T10 as used in a Cobra was right at the torque rating of a stock HP289 (I don’t recall the exact numbers anymore.) In drag racing half shafts were known to fail and twisted or broken differential output shafts were common. In chassis before CSX2165 even differential hangers tended to break in any kind of competition.
Original Cobra street cars and SAI team racers are nearly different subjects by early 1964. SAI developed heavy duty (racing) replacements for clutch systems, transmission assemblies, shifting connecting rods, drive shafts, half shafts, differential gears, differential output shafts, differential hangers, rear axles (a.k.a. hubs), rear vertical link and axle bearing system, road springs and holding them in place, shock absorbers, steering system control, throttle pedals, front wishbones (a.k.a. control arms), and many fasteners.