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Wow - we're not talking about vintage Ferraris here! No matter how badly Cobra owners would like to believe it, there is absolutely nothing exotic about the vast majority of Cobra replicas, and the only exceptions to that are the ones that have exotic drivetrain components installed by the owner or builder (think cammer motors or specialized and rare transmissions, etc.)
The only area of specialized knowledge that is required is in the selection process - you either need to have done some research or consult with others who know the brands you are considering so that you know what parts and components are used in the build. Outside of that there are few cars on the road that are as simple with nothing but basic mechanical and electrical systems.
In your case, having chosen Superformance as your preferred brand, you and your mechanic will have access to all the info you will need to maintain and repair your car.
These cars are about as basic and uncomplicated as a car can get. If you are so inclined, the skills and knowledge you will need to acquire in order to perform 95% of the routine work on your replica are so simple that literally anyone can do it.
The only catch is to go in with the knowledge that your "new" car is old tech and will require attention like checking and tightening and a bit of tuning here and there, depending on the type of engine and its level of modification.
Tropical Buzz
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. -(wasn't me)
BEWARE OF THE DOGma!! Dogmatism bites...