Originally Posted by Dimis
The problem is the clowns who make and enforce these rules will read this, and knee jerk react with "we've got to such that loop-hole down". All in all missing the point, and reason one is driven to find such work arounds. They're missing the root cause of the problem - Their own incompetence, lack of understanding of what they are in charge of.
Instead of reviewing how they can do it better and make it more efficient a process, they'll redirect energy into shutting down "loopholes" and work arounds. Frustrating and sad!
Yep like all Govt departments.. The conditions and morale has been reduced to nothing so .. they just have a job, just do it and carry on. They don't have to think...just do as the book says. Back when the rta removed all inspectors from the big regional inspection stations (and put them into an office) that's when things went downhill in a big way. The rta put the onus on garages to perform blue slips. a bad move there.