Originally Posted by LewisC
All well and good.....but we don't have antique vehicles. Some people 'mislead' and register as an antique so that they can take advantage of cheaper registration or less strict inspections. can't have it both ways. Now they want to pass a bill for cleaner and safer vehicles and you are against it.
you makes no sense to me.
The point of the OP was to alert us MA residents to some new BS our legislators are trying to cram down on us. Many of us have vehicles, other than our Cobras, that are antiques. And by the way, any replica Cobra built prior to 1993 is now an antique! You can't make our antiques "cleaner and safer" - we have no emission regulations currently for them, MA has no ability to measure tailpipe emissions, and we already have mandatory safety inspections. The bill is totally misguided.