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Old 03-31-2017, 07:14 AM
steve meltzer steve meltzer is offline
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Location: Houston, TX
Cobra Make, Engine: Kirkham/Southern 427 SO finally on the road
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Gaz64-thanx for explaining the reason the engine should be running for the most accurate float setting.

That this was inevitable was obvious the moment I spotted the rotten dentition! (Not once, in all of my training did they even mention teeth, and rarely, feet!)

Unfortunately, and despite having two lifts, both have been tied up for months and it will be several months until one of them is available. At my age, doing this without a lift is out of the question. An alternative to this would be to do what i can from above (with some stuff done on the jack stands) and tow it to a shop near me. That would be less satisfying, more expensive (and he's pretty cheap), more risk of damage to the car, but faster. Might need a good bottle of zinfandel to make that call.

It's been less than a year since I did this exact exercise...the original hydraulic T/O bearing was leaking and failed, and the car wouldn't stay in 3rd gear. Pulled the tranny and had it rebuilt, and put in a Kirkham mechanical t/o bearing, with his slave to move it. (wonky purple colored unit!). At that time, the flywheel was not resurfaced, the teeth looked good on the ring gear, and the pilot bearing was replaced. Pressure plate looked good and the clutch disc was within spec. Did I do something wrong to bring on all of these plagues? thanx.....Apparently, no redemption in my garage. steve
steve meltzer
"I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt"
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