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Old 05-22-2002, 09:03 AM
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Here's the particulars on the car corral:

(Please note the car corral ticket is for car and DRIVER only. Passengers pay extra)

· The event will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 5 - 7, 2002. Ticket prices are the same as last year - $20 for one day and $35 for the weekend for both general admission and for the car corral for a car and driver, reduced price tickets are available for children. General admission tickets may be purchased in advance with the car corral tickets or at the gate on race day.
· Friday, July 5, is a practice day for the racers and a final setup day for vendors, SOVREN, and the Guild. There will be no formal car corral activities on Friday but anyone purchasing a weekend car corral pass will be able to park in the car corral area on Friday.
· The feature for this year's race is the 50th anniversary of Corvette. Dick Guldstrand, who raced Corvettes internationally in the 60's and built many of the GM engines used in road racing cars on the west coast in the 60's and 70's, will be the guest celebrity. The GM Corvette Heritage Tour may be at the track during the race if the logistics can be worked out or SOVREN and the Guild will stage a special Corvette tribute, in any case there will be a number of very special Corvettes on display. We anticipate a large number of Corvettes in the car corral as well.
· Preregistration for the Car Corral is required and there is a limit of 20 cars per club per day. The registration deadline is June 15. After the deadline, clubs may register additional cars, in excess of the 20-car limit, on a space available basis, until the Corral reaches capacity. We will try to accommodate additional cars at the track if there is space in the car corral but these cars may be held outside of the gate until after the parade laps. Please inform your members that they can't expect to just show up and park in the car corral.
· Please send in block requests for car corral tickets! Use the attached registration form and make all checks payable to "SOVREN Guild". Sending in one request for tickets per club ensures that each club has an equal opportunity to register, and avoids confusion over which specific club someone is a member of, for those marques having multiple clubs (Corvette, Porsche, Mustang, etc.). Having the club representative distribute the tickets to the club members also significantly reduces the workload for the car corral coordinator, and saves SOVREN Guild some postage expense.
· Clubs can reserve space in the car corral for an information booth for $20 per day or $35 for the weekend. These booths may be used for distributing information about the club, answering questions about the cars, and as a place for the club members to "set a spell". Although limited amounts of club-related items may be sold in the Car Corral, more general sales must take place in the vendor area.
· The car clubs are invited to help solicit items for the "goody bags" distributed to the Car Corral entrants. These "goody bags" might contain advertising items like key rings, pencils, product samples, and brochures or catalogs put out by automotive dealers or equipment suppliers. Contact one of the Car Corral coordinators with questions or to arrange to get any donated items picked up.
· Clubs can donate $1000 to Children's Hospital by joining the Children's Checkered Flag Club. Your club will be recognized in the race program and with special signs in the car corral. The enclosed letter provides more information about this program.
· Trophies for the "Best" cars entered in the Car Corral in various age categories, as determined by children associated with the event have been an interesting and enjoyable part of the Car Corral for the past few years. Categories planned for this year are: 60's and older, 70's and 80's, and 90's and newer. These are the same categories as last year with the exception that the 40's and older group has been eliminated due to lack of participation. The group for older cars can be added back in easily if there is some advance notice of interest.
· The SOVREN Guild can always use additional help at the race and in preparing for and promoting the race. There are numerous volunteer opportunities - forms and contact information are available on the SOVREN web site ( Volunteers receive complimentary general admission tickets, VIP parking, lunch, refreshments, and a volunteer T-shirt. If you volunteer for 2 or more days, you will receive an invitation to the Saturday "On Track" dinner which includes a silent auction and live entertainment. Students receive a community service certificate from Children's Hospital.
· Donations for the silent auction, held at the Saturday dinner for the racers and volunteers, are always accepted. If you wish to donate items for this auction, contact SOVREN Guild to have them picked up.
· Businesses associated with your club might consider vendor space at the race or advertising in the race program. Additional information can be obtained from the SOVREN Guild contacts listed on the enclosed sheet.
One last note: the Pacific Raceways track is undergoing significant renovation and modification, a process that will continue for a number of years. Right now, no one is certain of exactly how the changes will affect any facet of the Pacific Northwest Historics. While we fully expect all car corral activities to take place, there may be changes in capacity (either increasing or decreasing) and there is a remote possibility that the parade laps will not take place if we can't get the cars on and off the track safely and efficiently. The Guild and SOVREN are communicating about this issue and it looks like we know how to handle the parade laps - it's just a matter of working the details. As we approach the race date our information will improve so please stay in contact. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope that your decision to attend will not be affected.
Thank you for your interest in the Pacific Northwest Historics Car Corral and for supporting Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center.

Send me ticket requests & checks and I'll order the tickets. If I can get an accurate (that means you're in) count ahead of time, I'll send the money in to assure us enough space.

Rich Lambert
1413-178th ST SW
Lynnwood, WA 98037
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