This is the 18th year for the annual Cruzin' 2 Colby event being held in Everett WA. over Memorial Day weekend.
I'm already signed up, hoping other Snakes from Club Cobra will join too. The highlight for me as a Bothell High graduate from 1977 is reliving a bit of my dazed and confused high school years with the Controlled Cruise on Colby Avenue in downtown Everett on Sunday afternoon. Just like the 70's except I'm cruzin' in a Cobra vs a 67 GTO.
The cruise is followed by a Sock-Hop with a live 60's band at Tony V's Garage on Hewitt. There is a 800x car Show-n-Shine on Monday all with live entertainment.
All events and 2x Sock-Hop tickets are all included with the $30 entry fee, BUT only the first 400 pre-registered cars are allowed to enter the Cruise on Sunday so sign up ASAP so you can get in one of the 400x slots for cruzin' Colby Ave!
Here is the link for registration and more information:
See ya there!
K & D