Originally Posted by MAStuart
Thanks Jeff! Sounds like I have been concerned with something that really isn't a problem.
Mark do you still need dimensions on original FIA wheels? I have been installing my new engine this week and have the ability to measure a bare 8.5" wheel if you need it. The competition cars were illegal with 9.5" pin drive wheels SCCA only allowed 1.5" additional width over 7.5" stock wheels. Dick Smith told me he borrowed a set of 9" pin drive Halibrands for Daytona so that he would be legal.
I have never seen any 9" wheels in person, most ran 8 1/2" pin drives for legality on the rear.
The new engine is a wiring nightmare, have to wire FAST XFI in place of a Classic FAST quite different should be running by Friday in case anyone cares.