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Old 05-25-2017, 02:53 PM
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Default Differential install

And the work goes on. Ross and I got together yesterday, and we will continue tomorrow with the help of Roy and Rick with the differential installation. While I was waiting for Ross to get across the border, I installed the tow straps on the FIA. Most race organizations require tow points both front and rear. So I attached these straps to the quick jacks and will ziplock the tails in place so that they are not rubbing on the paint while racing.

The we went on to installing the differential. The half shafts have to be removed to clear the frame and frame mounted tow hoops. Here the differential sits on the floor jack with the shafts removed.

Next, it was a series of ups and downs with the floor jack and hoist as we maneuvered the the differential back and forth until we were finally able to secure the two top blots through the mounts.

We are making a few minor adjustments to the lower supporting bracket and will be installing that Friday. Things are moving forward and I plan on having the car back home early next week so that I can start working on the engine and transmission install.

Have a nice holiday weekend!


Last edited by 1795; 05-25-2017 at 06:55 PM.. Reason: spelling
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