Originally Posted by Tommy
I empathize with your frustration. But it is somehow comforting to know that even the most knowledgable racers occasionally have weekends like us ordinary folks. .... I find that the more frustrating the problem, the more satisfying it feels when the solution is in hand. I hope that works for you too.
Thanks Tommy,
We threw the kitchen sink at it but unfortunately it was not enough. We also had a minor clutch release problem that I did not mention but that can be solved by up sizing the master cylinder. I will get the car up on jack stands tomorrow or Friday and get back on it. If the engine did not run so well I would have a lot less enthusiasm! The new engine is down about 90 lb/ft in torque but the gear ratio multiplication puts it effectively right back in the low 600 lb/ft range. We have exactly what we wanted, higher rpm at very low speeds for port velocity and a high enough range so it can reach 68 mph in low. If the damn injection and TC just worked I would be a happy camper.
It looks like we can use 2nd gear only in a normal autox and not shift at all because 2nd is good for 88 mph and can run down in the 25 mph range easily.
In summary the plan was good, execution not so much.