Originally Posted by steve meltzer
As seen in these photos, the gasket that I have that interfaces between the carb body and the metering block was missing two orifices, so i just poked a hole in the gasket. As you can see, it's not very good. I just fixed this with a real punch, and it looks fine now (not in the photos). Not sure of it's importance in the circuitry.
Uhhhh, no.
That hole is always there on the main body, but it's only used when you have an auxiliary idle air bleed, which you don't. I don't think punching a hole in your gasket will make a difference one way or the other though, but test it out by putting a small straw in the hole and see if you can't blow through it. IOW, I think that's a dead end hole that does nothing. Try using the orange cam and use hole #1.