So the truth behind my "praying picture" is for Round 2 I used some brand new unscrubbed tyres. First practice I looped it coming on to the main straight. What the! God these tyres suck! Came in, gathered my thoughts, checked pressures and then headed out again.
Coming down the hill into gumtree I powered out of the corner drift style, lifted off the gas (a silly thing to do) and punched it down into the wallum. What the freek. To coin a once popular phrase Ï was all over the track like a spew! Couldnt work it out. Returned to pits, steering felt notchy, head under car and WHAT THE CLUCK!
Turns out I'd managed to twist off a press fitting into the PS cooler and had rust proofed the cars underside, the track and my rear tyres thus explaining the multiple spins.
So, Ive done away the with useless POC finned cooler and bought and run something a little more stout. No pressed fitting, more fluid capacity and no more bent fins.
The development continues in a positive fashion.