Originally Posted by Johnc1
I work aircraft sheet metal and I would not have an aluminum body. Even air craft are using more and more composites. If you are a die hard originalist go for it.
I agree - and also if you just love the look and simply have to have it. To each his own, but if the reason you want it because you perceive it as somehow better, the only advantage an alloy body has over composite is that on an authentically constructed, original style build on an original style chassis, it moves the value and prestige up to a different level.
As I said in the other thread, if you slap an aluminum body on a non-original chassis and go with custom and convenience options like a modern powerplant, auto-trans, high back seats and dual roll bars, etc., then all you have is a more expensive, more fragile kit that will cause you grief and stress every time you park it. And other than the curiosity factor, it may only end up being marginally more valuable or desirable, if at all.
But, as said before - if you love the look and that is what you want, let nothing hold you back.
Keep us posted with your decision and all the best.