Originally Posted by Cruisin428
May not be pertinent, but if you used the us mail system for this transaction, it may fall under US Postal fraud.
At that point the US government will be involved.
A buisness friend got into a mess with a customer using US mail. I dont think he got his money back but the other person had the US after him for mail fraud.
The only other leverage I can think of besides the lawyers listed above. Is small claims court. There are limits to the amount. Here it is 7500. Maybe you could split the 11k if you sent two payments, do two small claims filings? check your lawyer options then check small claims, you would at least make your claim known before the sale. Also file against him and the company, not just the company.
I tried the mail fraud angle when acton ripped me off. The USPS has many requirements that prevented me from having him prosecuted. The biggest thing was that seeing as how he did send a few parts, it did not constitute fraud. If I could have gotten it into court and he found at fault , then they may have been able to do something. The NH Attorney General stated that they had so many complaints against him and that mine was one of the smaller ones that my chances of ever recovering anything wasn't going to happen. These rip off artists seem to have the upper hand in these things.