Firstly- I totally agree with Larry - specific questions are very hard to garner generic answers to. The SAAC Registry (or someone nice enough to share their copy with you) is a wealth of information about specific Cobras
That being said...:
Originally Posted by Robert Cooper
I'm curious: was the 289 FIA style ever produced as a street car in the US or GB, or were they specifically for racing?
There is actually no such thing as "the 289 FIA style"... This is a vernacular term used by enthusiasts for cars that emulate a particular body configuration: The 1964 289-style competition cars with the cutback door trailing edges, wide rear quarters ("wide wings" is what AC called them), and the two "trunk bumps".
There were only 5 (or was it 6? I think it was 5) original 289 Cobras that featured the trunk bumps, and none of them were made for the street- They were all "comp" cars built specifically to race.
In fact, the comprehensive answer to your question is that none of the 16 "wide wing" 289 cars that AC produced (with the cutback doors) were intended to be street cars - They were all competition models.
I think at least one of them actually DID end up being restored and registered for street driving after their racing career was over, but originally, they were all sold to go racing.
Otherwise, all 1964 "street" Cobras were slabsides, with the same skinny rear quarter panels as the 1963 street Cobras.