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How did you guys choose which Cobra to go with?
Hi guys,
I've been looking on and off at getting a Cobra for waaay too long, and I find the process to be very difficult. Just when I was ready to plunk down some money my wife coerced me into buying a house. And we all know that the real estate here isn't exactly cheap! But enough of that. On to the real issues.
How did you guys choose one?
I am somebody who needs to drive something before it is purchased. With so many configurations out there, this is next to impossible with a Cobra. I've emailed the manufacturer and they always give me an enthusiastic "Come on over and we'll let you drive one around!" Typical of the friendly Cobra community, which is one of the main reasons I want to purchase a replica Cobra, instead of another vintage automobile (this coming from an automotive Italophile). Yet, none of the manufacturers are close enough for me to free up time and take them up on their offer.
Even when I get there, won't the car drive differently depending on their engine configurations etc? Every options list I've browsed online is intimidatingly long!
I'm looking for a high quality product, but I would like to do some of the building myself. Given how this is my first foray into the hobby I don't want a pricey kit, so nix the Superformance and Kirkham. I've heard great things about Unique... I know the common answer is to click on the Search CC link in the menu bar and run a search, but there is so much information that is returned that it is difficult to filter through to the important bits. Also, most of the answers are tailored for the specific forum member who started the thread. Consequently, any manufacturers I should stay away from? A trend I've noticed is that people who live in proximity to the manufacturer usually have nicer things to say than people from far away. So, from a Bay Area perspective, who are the players out there? Aside from the expensive builders that is (one day I'll be able to afford an aluminium bodied replica, just not now).
Am I best off buying a used one and tinkering with it? Or is it more rewarding to build your own car yourself? Any horror stories about buying a used replica car?
Any thoughts in general?