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I just walken in the door after doing multiple pressure settings. I always ran 26# in the 10 years I had the Goodyears without issue. Just for the heck of it I went out tonight and started at 30# and went down 2# (hot) to a final of 22# (hot) F&R. At 24# I could feel a significant difference in the front but still some in both the front shimmy and rear chatter. I hate to say 50% better but maybe. I also did the chalk mark across the tread and rolled it out of the garage and at both 26# and 22# the chalk mark faded consistently across the tread at both pressures......I'm surprised.
I just checked pressure after I rolled into the garage and F&R are 22# so I imagine they will be 20# or less in the morning when they cool. I am going to do 18# rear and 20# front and test. These pressures just scare the crap out of me because a few years ago our group of 25 Cobras from the SF area were on Highway 1 near Ft. Bragg....(a town ...not a military base). Highway 1 is twisty and rough. We, being a group of lunatics were hitting it pretty hard on these twisties and my car peeled the L.rear right off the bead of the wheel and Booooom...flat. Six hours later and two different tow trucks (car to low) I got it to a tire shop and they attempted to blow the tire back on the bead with one of those high pressure bottles. It went verrrrry close but not perfect on the bead. Good enough to get home though..That's why the thought of these low pressures scare me.......... But, I'll try anything at this point.
I miss my Tazer
Last edited by wanab5150; 08-02-2017 at 09:21 PM..