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Back in 2000 when I brought the car to Wa. state. before I could get the local liscening completed, the exhaust was a needed now thing. The headers were all fractured and needed replacement. The headers were welded to the headers. Anyone I contacted around here was making way more just doing normal car exhaust repairs and wouldn't get involved. I contacted Everett Morrison. They had a jig for making the exhaust headers. I shipped my complete exhaust there. They welded the headers first so they wouldn't move, and then cut the side pipes off. They adjusted the jig for my headers. It took several shipping back and forth. They built their headers with slightly smaller diameter pipe and my old set #5 pipe went up then down making a path for the steering shaft Their headers were all simila . Problem was my engine sits 3/4" off center set towards the right. Their headers were short runs and had a four pipe bolt up flange that connected inside inside the body. Then another flanged set of pipes went through the body and turned into the collectors pointing to the rear, One side ( drivers side) was too close to the rocker pannel of the body , so that side had to be lenghtened The passenger side was too long and the four pipe flange was against the inside of the body. I had to dfecide which pipes to extend and which to shorten and how much.
While I was into it I had paid an upcharge for LO-BAK muffelers. They were described as looking like an auger wrapped around a length of pipe inside the muffeler. I did not get them. The muffelers I received had two pipes inside with a lot of perferations sitting side by side in te muffleler, one pipe in at one end end the other pipe out at the other end. I asked my self back then the same question you are coping with now. What do I do when some one (police) say thats too loud. What can I do to at least show I tried to fix it? I ended up making three sets of muffelers All the same length and OD. I used the Ss clamping flanges and had them welded tho the pipe ends The turn out pipes at the rear, both ends of the muffelers all six, and the collectors. I prepared the muffelers for Car Chemistry disks as a bolt in, if I needed to and even made a set of pipes that look like the muffelers and had everything ceramic coated,, With the SS flanges and clamps I can dissconnect and change with a 7/16" wrench. I could even hook the short turn out tip pipes directly to the collectors if wanted. Any welding after ceramic coating is like welding dirt, so weld everything before ceramic coating. But alas no one of authority has complained yet.
Mike H