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Old 08-05-2017, 09:00 PM
Jim Vander Wal Jim Vander Wal is offline
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You're running into corner weight issues.

Passenger front is the lightest corner, driver's rear the heaviest and then you get in which throws more weight to the left rear. Driver's front and passenger rear are somewhere between.

Just as an example - generally moving the battery (40#) over the passenger header / sidepipes helps the even out the corner weights, but you can't really run it there.

You are part of the balance / ride height equation unless your car drives itself. Set it up with about a half tank of gas. Disconnect one side of the sway bars before starting and roll it back and forth a few times to settle the suspension after each adjustment. Every change to a single corner will change the others, some corners more than others. Ahhh, the pleasures of suspension adjustment.

So, even out the ride height side to side, throw in a bit of forward rake if you wish (a recommendation) and drive it. The forward rake reduces the air moving under the car, not much but a little. Doesn't matter under 100, probably does over that.

Good luck, welcome to the club.

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