I weighed the car tonight with most piled into it. We are at 2015 lb and I feel like we are within 100 of final assembled weight with coolant.
We found .400 so with a deeper brake hat and I was able to move the front wheels in board with no spacer (caliper bracket and steering arm will need re-design

). I weighed the front un-sprung and we are at 81.88 lb. 80 is still within reach, but I am very pleased with this. We started at 102. I am still working on changing the camber timing on the front. That part is at FEA so if we can get it to work we will build new lite weight UCAs. I weighed the control arms with them attached to the car and the upper is as heavy as the lower i.e 3lbs swing weight with joints.
The frame is around 3.5 in the rear and 3.1 in the front. We have lowered the CG around 1.5 and front geometry is maintained. I plan to measure the cg height when we are a little further. We are going to change the pan to a Daytona. It is an inch shorter,will not drop below the rails, and will allow smooth sheeting front to rear.
The aesthetics are not as pleasing to me, but for the first time I can see driving it briskly.With it sitting on the ground, it really feels like it could be capable.
I have been hanging around some FFR guys that ran Can Am cars in the 70's.They are quite knowledgeable and its interesting see the different ways guys build them. A lot of discussion on learning how to drive it.
Really getting excited - a ton of detail left.