A guy with a 20 inch penis goes to the doctor. "Doc, I gotta do something about this--women don't want anything to do with me."
The doctor checks it and runs a couple of tests and finally tells the guy "There's nothing wrong with you medically, and I'm afraid surgery's out of the question--we can't take that much out of it. However, I do know of a witch in the forest that might be able to help you if you want to give her a try."
The guy gets the directions to the witch's house from the doctor and goes to visit her. After she sees what the problem is--she tells him "there's a pond beyond the forest in which a magic frog lives. Ask the frog to marry you. When the frog says 'no', it will reduce the size of your penis by five inches."
The guy finds the pond, and the frog. "Will you marry me?" he asks. The frog responds "No!" The guy looks at his penis and finds that it has shrunk 5 inches, and is now 15 inches long. He decides that 10 inches would be perfect, so he figures he'll ask one more time. "Will you marry me?"
The frog responds "What, don't you understand English? No! No! No!"