Originally Posted by LMH
That’s the same induction set up I have. The hard part to deal with was the air cleaners!
Larry, there is a story behind this set up. A friend of mine and I both bought Mustangs when they first came out. I in May of '64 and he in Feb of'65. He purchased this dual quad from Ford in 1967 and ran them for awhile. When he sold his Mustang, around 1970 he removed the dual quads. I purchased them from him around 1972 and held on to them until I put them on a 65 Hi-Po Mustang that I restored in 1989. The air cleaners were starting to rust. I saw an ad in the old Shelby "Snake Bite" classifieds from Fran Kress for a set of NOS air cleaners. I paid $300.00 for them. First of all try and find a NOS or even a set of these air cleaners, and if you are lucky enough to find them you would pay a hell of a lot more than $300.00.

After running with them for a few years I wanted to compete in Concours class so I removed them and went stock. I sold them to another friend and he knew the history I had with this set-up, so he said if I ever wanted them back he would sell them to me. Well after 23yrs I finally am reunited with them, and they are back where they belong.
Here is a pic of them on my Mustang.
John O