Been a while since an update - the fibreglasser has been a real PITA with his timeframes - I've learnt to double his estimate and add another 3 weeks.
Anyway, the first top came out of the mould last week, although it is a special one that is going to me modified for a buck.
First production one should be done in a couple of weeks. I'll try and get in touch with everyone who has expressed an interest, but if you dont hear from me or are newly interested, send me a message.
I got mine back from the fibreglasser 2 days before the nats, so it was a real rush job to get it finished in time.
Here it is with the magic aluminium mix sprayed on:
Starting to sand:
Still going, wet sanding:
All done:
At Nats 2 days after getting it back - thats was hard work!: