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I would say you are screwed. I learned that lesson back in 48 or so when my dad made a deposit on a Tucker. Lost it.
This is a civil matter and if you are so foolish as to confront and threaten the guy, a unfortunate situation could turn into a criminal matter with you in big trouble.
You can hire a lawyer and perhaps get a lien or a judgement but it is not likely you will get any money.
I really like replicas of the iconic cars of the past but every time I have one built, it is a risk. Like my lawyer says, often these are shoestring operations with one key individual and he can get sick or die, go broke or get divorced or run off with his girlfriend or boy friend.
So far, I have done my homework checking out the builders (turnkey) and have got my cars late but as ordered from Superformance and JPS.
Now, I buy existing cars with clear titles that I pay for when I take possession.
Last edited by Bartruff1; 11-09-2017 at 08:04 AM..