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Hi Folks,
Not really hard to believe.
CSX7000 320 hp X 2200 lbs? 6.875 lbs/hp Race tires.
Porsche TT 425 hp X 3480 lbs. 8.18 lbs/hp Street tires.
Race tires alone at LV (depending on track layout, I assume the normal one here.) should be worth 6>9 seconds a lap.
Plus as Chris stated, the CSX was set up by Tom's Motorsport. Therein, it is much closer to a race car then a street car.
The Porsche TT as delivered from the factory is a street car. Period. They are fast street cars, but not very quick track cars in stock form. Now if you do a bit of chassis work and lose all of the extra bits to get the weight down and put on Road race tires, the story may be a bit different.