Originally Posted by RockBit
Nice looking car, you did a great job. Three years seems short given that you also painted it.
What is the item sticking out from under the car in the back by the right quick jack?
That is the backup light required for the Brake and Light inspection to satisfy 2015 SPCNS registration, I tried to find the most vintage looking external light.
Believe me, I am pretty worn out after that three years, it a miracle I'm still married. The three years included most weekend and evenings as well as vacation days for major tasks. When I look at the finished car, it doesn't seem like it took long but as I look at each part of the car, I remember the hours spent. By far, the paint was the most exhausting part of the project (1 1/2 months’ work), three coats of high build, 5 coats of single stage urethane enamel and three coats of clear.