Originally Posted by Texasdoc
Arlington Automotive Machine in.... well, Arlington.
He can do all the work. Magnaflux first. Then bore, deck, hone, and balance your rotating assembly. First take him your block. Then if it clears the flux, take the rotating parts, cam bearings, freeze plugs, oil plugs, and flywheel. He will get it all ready to assemble. I let him install all the plugs and cam bearings. Not much more $ and I didn't want to buy the cam bearing install tool.
I watched Craigslist for 351W motors. They come up all the time. It is just a roll of the dice on what condition the block is in. Either that or buy new.
Since yours is a roller block, make sure you check out this link. Print those pictures and take them to the machinist. Make sure he checks out those areas. The corral forum is a great source for the 5.8 Windsor.
Called arlington automotive today and going to take my block in the get it checked out. did you buy a complete rotating assembly with crank, rods and pistons? I called blykins and he said that once the engine was machined I could give him a call and he could put together a complete crank, rod and piston kit. I will defiantly use him for the heads and cam. Also did you do an internal balance or external.