I wanted give shout out to Barry McGill (formerly the other "B" in B&B Cobra (the best of the b's). At any rate I found myself in need of a competent and honest builder to get me past some unapproved mods made by a couple of incompetent crooks (we can call them Larry and Roger)here in the Tulsa area.
To the point Barry was Able to correct and improve some unprofessional acts by these guys and he fixed everything in three weeks including a fair amount of fiberglass at a very reasonable price. IMO Barry is one of the best fabricators out there and he can help you get past some rough spots in your build, he literally saved my bacon.
Just for the record McGill Manufacturing also builds Cobra Kit cars and street Rods. Checkout his website at
www.McGill-streetrods.com. 417-472-7848.
I would be glad to answer any questions should you want to visit.
Clois Harlan
aka Tulsacobra