You guys have to keep in mind that value is subjective. Stop trying to correlate it to price.
295k seems steep to someone who may not have 295k.
But there are many, many MANY people out there to whom 295k isn't even 5% of one year's income.
Bruce Canepa hob-knobs with people up in that social strata... many of them will buy a car represented by him, simply due to their personal friendship with him; and they really won't care whether a bunch of yahoos on some web forum agree with them about the price they paid.
You might as well post that Tiger Woods' used yacht isn't worth 20M just because you can buy one just like it for 15M from someone else...

Sure it's a true statement, but do you think people in that social arena (and mindset) actually care...? I don't.
I buy golf balls for $18 bucks a dozen, and I swing a 20 year old set of clubs. I play with guys who pay $50 a dozen, because they think the ball (and the new $2500 set of clubs they replace every year) makes them a better golfer... and I have no consideration about what ball, or clubs they are playing when we are agreeing on how much $$$ to lay down on the daily Nassaus...
When a car sells for ANY amount, then that's what THAT car was worth at THAT exact moment in time.
You also have to keep in mind that 295k is an ASKING price. Not necessarily a final sale price. You gotta start high, and work down, in order to maximize your take..
Now, I do agree 100% that a continuation Shelby Cobra isn't a collector's item. However, it seems that there may just be (many, or at least several) high net worth car collectors out there who disagree with me on that point... and if they have the cash to keep ramping up the prices on these (well done, very technically accurate, but still replicas nonetheless); well, then they are right, and I am wrong. Simple as that.
I say "good luck with the sale, Bruce and Dario..." and give a big thumbs-up.
then, I go outside to do some laps on my 5 year old craftsman lawn tractor- because the grass needs to be mowed...