OK, I got out there and with a clean paper towel, I found no evidence of a VC leak, and for the first minute or so, no leaking at all. Began to think I was a %*&^#@&* genius, but the leak started again. Same place and it's oily, but looks more like mud...not the somewhat shiny appearance of pure
oil. Wonder if there's coolant in there, too? Tried to take some pictures, but it was difficult to do so. However, in the photos, you are looking at a mirror shot, where the red arrow is the intake manifold, the yellow the juncture of the head and the block, where the
oil puddles. thanx. (BTW, the intake manifold gasket I used was the expensive, metal reinforced one from Fel-Pro + I used a generous bead of "The Right Stuff" on either end, no gasket. Intake gasket sealed to head/intake on "marked edges" with what is essentially Hondabond.) thanx. steve