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Old 01-24-2018, 06:06 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Cobra Make, Engine: All original, with Chevy engine since 1964
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Originally Posted by Scotchman View Post
Hope you can join us sooner than later.
Me too - One of my other classics that I've been working on for awhile only needs another 40-50 hours of work, and it will be ready to hit the local car shows. (although it's just about as far to the opposite extreme from a Cobra as you can possibly get, except for the big V8 under the hood )

So I'll still be seeing you guys at the cars and coffee shows, etc. And, you can never say "never" when talking about Cobras... So, maybe I'm just "in between" cars right now

Originally Posted by Karl Bebout View Post
RB, I'd say that there might be some of us gonna miss you, but don't want you to feel "SPECIAL" , although you are.
Geez Karl- I just sold my car. I'm not dead

I made a lot of new friends in this group, and one thing I always noticed on our lunch runs: There was always at least one empty passenger seat somewhere in the group, and my hitchhiking thumb works really well

(if worse came to worse, I could always kick the case of Windex bottles out of Madsen's passenger seat )
- Robert
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