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What a CRAPPY Day!
Darn near, worst day , ever! Was a pitiful 63° when I walked the Big Dog at 6:30, this morning. I was at a conundrum. Shall I sit on my couch and piddle the day away? Shall I go out to the garage and admire my Cobra? May dust it off? Maybe wax it...again?
Ah hell with it. Suited up. Put my darkest shades on and took a drive. Went to Wickenburg, then Yarnell, then Prescott, then Jerome, then Sedona, then headed for home.
9 hours and 362 miles later, I pulled back into the garage. The car had dust on it, some Kamikaze bugs, and probably some more road rash. Christ, what have I done?
"In the Land of the Pigs, The Butcher is King"