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Old 05-28-2002, 08:57 PM
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John-Tucson John-Tucson is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Tucson,AZ,USA,
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Why Phoenix ??? Arizona is like Washington, Oregon and California because the state is so diversified. Phoenix is HOT, HOT, HOT in the summer. You can plan on running your air conditioner 24 hours a day from mid-June until mid-September. From 110 in the day to a low of 94 at 4:30AM. However, you can live with it for the few months of heat. (I will not mention the cool tempertures here in Tucson). I will say that Phoenix is the Capital, but Tucson has the better basketball and football and baseball teams. I will say on the positive side that Phoenix has a GREAT smog problem. Again on the positive side, Phoenix has a wonderful Interstate system, (when it isn't stopped cold by an accident.) There are a lot of Arizona Cobra owners through out the state. The state has four seasons in the northern half and two seasons from Phoenix south. Any way that you cut it Arizona is a GREAT PLACE TO LIVE. John
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