Originally Posted by hauss
Not many replies. I will continue to search ,so please don"t reply with search somewhere else.I would love to hear your thoughts on the backdraft. Thank you Hauss.
Don't give up so quickly hauss! Generally when a question is asked about a specific brand we let the owners and people with first hand knowledge/experience answer. The rest of us may have opinions, but the best qualified are the owners. The other thing is that you posted the question in a specific regional group and the people outside that group might not always see the post or be inclined to jump in and answer.
For specific brands, check to see if the forum group for that brand is active (not all owners' groups are) and if so post the question there. If not, try posting in the ALL COBRA TALK forum where you'll probably get the biggest audience.
I'm not a Backdraft owner, but to get things kicked off, here's my two cents:
* More of an interpretation than an accurate replica of the classic Cobra with a longer wheelbase and altered body lines.
* Like Superformance, BDR's are factory built with only the drivetrain left for the owner to install.
* BMW-sourced suspension components
* Consistent build quality - no guesswork about how well it was put together.
* Active owners group and dealer support right here on Club Cobra
* Modern Ford modular motors, which are very large, fit in and work well.
* More interior legroom due to longer wheelbase
* Owners generally seem to like their cars a lot.
* Distinctive body shape - not for the "purists" or those who highly value accuracy or authenticity. It just comes down to a matter of personal taste.
Let's hope more owners see this thread and chime in with better/more detailed info.