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Old 03-09-2018, 11:21 PM
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Default 18" pin hole problems.

I was sent these 18" pin drive wheels for a backdraft cobra and asked to fix them. This is what I found and how we corrected the problem.
The pin holes look like they were redrilled on a drill press to a larger size, .761" dia, and they were not exactly in the center of the old holes. Next the pins on the car were small, .665" , that equals .096" of slop. No wonder he heard noise and had one work loose. The pins also were not counter sunk into the hub adapter, no counter sink on the hole in the adapter. Also power clear coat was found on the knock-off seating surface.
The fix was to re-machine the pin holes in the wheels, so they were round and on location. Next the adapters were counter sunk and new pin bolts made with countersinks and a .015" clearance,.770 holes and .755 pins. Newt the clear coat was machined off the seating surfaces. Problems corrected.
Please check your cars for this problem, as it could be on mort that 1 car. We recommend a max. .025" hole to pin clearance for pins .5" long or less.

could not seem to upload photos. see @etwheels on instagram
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