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Dear Rally Folks,
LOST HIGHWAY 2018 is coming up in 2 weeks on May 5, 2018. Checkout has been run and the course is a delight. We値l follow running streams lined thickly with trees vibrant in bright spring green. Checkout found wildflowers blooming all along the course, and a few spritz of rain and cool temps should keep them around for the rally. We値l be in the mountains with the big trees. We値l carve a couple of canyons. We値l run a ridge or two. We値l have some long, open straights - one over 6 miles without a stop sign and two more at around 5 miles. We値l go through some quaint little towns and verdant farmlands. We値l go through beautiful alpine valleys and see some amazing and colorful rock formations. It痴 a very scenic and driveable course.
Also, it痴 likely to be a one-tanker for many cars, at only 275 miles total length. Rally time is just over 7 hours Start-to-Finish. Registration in the parking lot of the Denny痴 at the Magic Mountain Parkway exit off I-5 in Valencia. Course is straightforward but still challenging, especially for Regulars and Experts. It should take almost everyone less than 1.5 hours to work through the routes and maps before
Start. More info at
We sincerely hope you値l find a way to get out there for this one.
"It doesn't have anything on it that doesn't make it go faster."