I bought this tank and need to do some modifications to it. I can't figure out what metal it is made from.

I thought it was stainless but it is slightly magnetic. It also is rusted at the corners and where the builder welded on the fittings.
My best guess is that it is likely a 400 series stainless since it is slightly magnetic. I figure the welding was not appropriately gas shielded and destroyed the stainless-ness of the metal.
Since the stainless properties are already ruined (its starting to rust where it was welded when it was made), I can get some Stainless Flux Core wire (Blue Demon 308LFC-O) and do what I need to do. I can then paint the outside with Rustoleum and seal the inside of the tank to stop rust (KBS coatings tank sealer).
Any other thoughts?