Originally Posted by cycleguy55
Thanks for the links, but I already know the theory behind this.
Just curious as to indianamoons's quote of right hand threads.
Originally Posted by indianamoon
Watched very carefully the videos on rebuilding these calipers again, and I can finally see the "L" stamped in the adjuster and the guy is screwing in the retainer right handed. Now I finally feel confident to really lean on the breaker bar. Right hand threads here run counter to accepted practice, but I guess Ford didn't want a couple of extra parts in their system.
The parts necessary to make the LH caliper function as a mirror of the RH caliper are marked as LH. It is how the ramps are cut for the balls, one side is clockwise, the other counterclockwise. The LH markings are for the assembler. Imagine what would happen without the markings. No handbrake after reassembly.