Originally Posted by rbgray1
I also run a 351W engine but wouldn't count on my dimensions not knowing what motor mounts, trans mount, sidepipes, etc you have on your CR1.
Mine is also a CR1 that I'm in final rebuild stage
I understand that a handful of factors impact the location of the sidepipe cutout
in fiberglass(engine mounts, transmount, etc). My desire for dimensions would be for the dimensions of headers that were built and sold with the CRII kit. If I had 5-6 basic dimensions for the headers to locate in 3 dimensions the mounting surface for the side pipes/collector, I could mock up and place my side pipes in place (already accounting for my trans mount and engine mount location) since my engine will be installed. I plan to use the side pipes that came with the kit, just cutout and replace the glasspacks due to everyones concern of back pressure and low power.
The only concern for this approach is actually acquiring the same set of headers, maybe from 74proii.