Originally Posted by 1795
Ok, I can concede to Brian's suggestion about using the adapter. I just wanted to make sure that you realized that just because it fits in with the oil filter in place does not mean that you will be able to remove and replace the filter later. It takes a lot more room than we think. I had to play around for a while with my remote filter to find a place that would allow for enough room to remove the filter. If you do go with a remote, do not use any 90 degree fittings in the oil lines, they reduce oil flow a lot and may contribute to high oil pressure. Use 45 degree or straight fittings.
I second what Jim wrote. IF you go with a remote oil filter don't use anything smaller than -10AN and avoid 90° fittings if at all possible to avoid restriction and pressure drop. If you need to use 90° fittings you may consider going to -12AN. So-called 'full-flow' fittings are available, and may be worth looking for.