Originally Posted by Anthony
If you buy a new vette, keep it 5 years and sell, you will lose.
That is the one fact that I see clearly. Almost all cars depreciate rapidly. Some start to appreciate again, given time, but not all. You are not going to do well investing in Vegas, Chevettes, and Pacers. Muscle cars that have a nostalgia to them have gone up in value.
Kit cars and replicas, as a whole, have not been as successful as Cobra replicas, and the Kirkham is the top of that heap. When a Kirkham sold for $50K you could drop a nice FE drive train in one for less than $15K. It was not all that hard to finish one with nice upgrades for less than $75K. Go find one of those cars for sale today for less than $75K. I haven't found any. You will find them for sale asking north of $100K. As I said earlier, they are more like a house than a car. They are definitely keeping pace with inflation. I do think a big part of that is because the price of a new Kirkham has went up so much.
When the Kirkhams get old and decide to retire or sell or close shop, as inevitably will happen some day. What will happen to these cars value? When all that will ever be built, has been built?????