Originally Posted by Alfa02
While speaking with Arnie, on Monday morning (9;33am) and his time (12;33am) he told me he would call the factory (he said hours ahead) and get back to me (by email) As it was my computer went MIA, and asked Dan, to call Arnie for a time frame (For proof's). I too knew they would be made out of country (but didn't know China) If our badges are of the same quality, and finish, as the sample badges, I received, I believe we will all will be happy with the results. Cheers Tom.
I spent a lot of years in the IT services / outsourcing business. One of the critical factors in any successful outsourcing / services agreement (not just IT services) is defining, measuring, monitoring and managing the desired outcomes. I have also observed many, perhaps most, services agreements with problems are because they haven't spent the proper amount of time and effort defining, measuring, monitoring and managing desired outcomes. Good results don't just happen, they're made to happen.
With the reputation Arnie Brown has, I expect they've invested the necessary time and effort with their manufacturer in China to ensure the products meet their expectations.
I, for one, am certainly looking forward to the results!