If the Aeromotive installation "wept" I wouldn't know: the tank is up against the rear floor within about an inch so I can't lay eyes on it. No gasoline aromas, so maybe that's a good sign.
Here's the PDF for the install:
Maybe you can get some ideas there. It does have a heckuva gasket that I hope is fuel resistant and no aroma of fumes happens in the garage after several years.
My sump for the external pump in the Cobra is about 3" plus/minus deep - memory may not be accurate and the car is in the paint shop (don't ask). The top of the sump is perforated so the gasoline must take a bit of time to exit if it tries.
Each works fine for me in its respective car, so I think it's your choice.
PS: Here are a few pictures of the Zephyr gas tank install for the Aeromotive pump:
Zephyr fuel pump & tank for EFI - FirstCoastCobraClub