Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
The CSX1000 series aluminum cars are exquisite. There are several discussions of them here already. I saw one of the roller bodies delivered to Vegas and it was a work of art.
PS. Nowhere near those numbers were built. Maybe 10-15 max total. Regarding why, the answer is that is all they sold. Shelby builds to order, not on spec. Dealers order from Shelby so the spec is at the dealers.
I think the original problem was that Alan Lubinsky seems to usually deliver vapor ware in terms of cars. I think he got someone from
South Africa to help him get a dozen or so cars out, but then he screwed over that guy and things fell apart. I think that may be documented in one of Trevor Legates books. After AC could no longer deliver Shelby found one or two other English suppliers for the 1000 series but I doubt there has been as much interest in those since the AC marketing pitch no longer applies.