Originally Posted by Ozzie Goat
This build has been amazing. Good luck in the fall.
Thought of you at Goodwood FOS - saw this guy:
(DOH, can't get the image to work, oh well)
[IMG] https://goo.gl/images/aTkHhH [/IMG]
Thank you for your input and picture!
Work is getting started on the molds. The plug has had 5 coats of wax applied. This is to keep the tooling Gel Coat from sticking to it. In addition the plug will be sprayed with a releasing agent (PVA) before the Gel Coat is applied.
To keep the body from being locked into the mold it has to be made in several pieces. It's imperative that seams and parting flanges be placed in the correct locations so the body can be removed. The flanges are glassed into the mold. They bolt together. Once the body is laid up and cured the bolts are removed and the mold taken apart. Hopefully the body will come out easily at that point.
Here are a few pictures of laying out the flanges.