Do you have a baffled
oil pan with kickouts on either side? If you do any auto crossing it is manditory to control the
oil in the pan. G forces are higher in most auto crosses than on alot of road racing courses. You will probably find the pump siezed and the roll pin sheared. You must have a road race type
oil pan to control the oil in the side to side action encountered in auto crossing. This situation was most likely caused by oil starvation, there is alot going on while on an auto cross course making it difficult to monitor the gauges accurately and react quickly.
PS......Do not consider using the existing pump. It bound up due to lack of oil/lubrication or metal inside. It WILL be damaged beyond repair. Pumps are cheap, just replace it and the drive shaft and use the correct gear on the distributor shaft itself. Also a little trick I have used is to increase the diameter of the roll pin from 1/8th to 3/16th's. Use the type of pin that is rolled like a pinwheel (cross section)rather than the hardened type that are commonly called "split pins". the increased diameter of the pin adds a liittle extra shear resistance. Use a sharp drill bit when resizing the hole in the distributor gear and shaft.