Originally Posted by davids2toys
I was only referring to the hoses coming out of the valve covers and routed around to get to the carb. I have never seen your set-up, looks real clean!
...can't really tell from your pic.
...So, what have you noticed for advantages over what I have?
Here is a pic from the top, with handy labels for old men like us with failing eyesight.

You can see I take my vacuum from the base of the carb through a little black hose, through a copper tube that is carefully bent to allow me to go down through the base of the Turkey Pan, then straight back through another small black hose to the black Moroso
oil/air separator. You can see that separator, which is a two part screw on can, is held in place via the aluminum bracket that is held down to the manifold via one half inch bolt over to the right. From the Moroso separator, a longer black hose goes over to the adjustable ME Wagner PCV valve that is in the cap on the passenger side valve cover cap. It's a beautiful job, if I do say so myself.
The main advantage that I have noticed is that it, along with a secondary idle speed adjustment screw that allows cracking open my secondaries, allows just the right amount of air coming in through the Holley during "HOT" idling and barely-off-idle cruising so that I have consistency in my air/fuel ratio. Before doing all of that, I had the age-old problem of the idle being too rich when the under hood temperatures got really hot. If I turned the primary idle up, then I was in the transfer slot, causing other problems. The combination of the adjustable Wagner PCV and the secondary adjustment screw fixed all of my hot idle problems. A thread showing pics of my modification for that is found here:
Best Way to set the idle mix on a 4160